Saturday, September 17, 2011

Stockholm Syndrome

Stockholm was vastly unimpressive, all I saw out the windows were looked like Atlanta except I couldn't understand what anyone was saying.

So I got off the plane and met Kristen Vogel and Andrew Sutton (my Austrian roommate), we made our way through airport security which pretty much just amounted to "Are you a terrorist?" "No" "Ok welcome to Sweden."

The Swedish Airport lounging areas were nice though until we needed to get money from the Money Machine...

The Money Machine was an ATM that almost outsmarted us and when I say us I mean Kristen and Andrew, I sat and laughed as they thought they had removed a 1200 Dollars in exchange for 200 Swedish Dollars (I called them Funbucks)

Luckily that wasn't the case and 200 Swedish Dollars was worth like 40 American Dollars, we then proceeded to name the different Swedish Monies after various actors such as the 20 Swedish Dollar with a disgusting woman on the front of it was called a Rosie O' Donnell etc.

After that we sat down and chilled until our plane lifted off for Vienna and saw Tom Felton (plays Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter) Kristen squilled like a fangirl while I wondered why Tom Felton was in Sweden.

Eventually we boarded our plane and made our way to Vienna.

1 comment:

  1. Lol... the first two paragraphs made me laugh. :P
